Modern Railway Systems 8201 Southpark Lane
Littleton, CO 80120

Ruby Junction Facility Expansion

Coordinating to improve operations on an active yard.

About the Project

MRS served as a subcontractor on this project, which involved expanding TriMet’s light rail maintenance facility to support the expanded Orange Line service from Portland to Milwaukie. The scope included adding track circuits and switch machines throughout the active yard, as well as installing new CCTV and fiber optic cables.

This facility expansion was constructed directly adjacent to the existing light rail maintenance facility, necessitating close coordination with TriMet’s operations and maintenance staff to avoid disrupting ongoing activities. The modifications to the vehicle storage yard required detailed work plans to coordinate track and OCS outages, ensuring that the 24/7 operations of the existing facility were not interrupted.

MRS played a critical role in this project, overseeing the addition of the track circuit and switch machines, along with implementing advanced surveillance and communications systems, to enhance the operational efficiency and safety of TriMet’s expanded light rail network.

Quick Facts


Portland, OR

Project Type

Light Rail

Delivery Method


Year Completed


Project Owner





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